His Needs Her Needs List

His Needs Her Needs Book His Needs Her Needs List simply lists the common needs of a man and a woman, as given by Dr. Willard Harley Jr., in his book: His Needs Her Needs.

For a brief overview of what His needs are and what her needs are, according to the His Needs Her Needs Book, click the link or the book image on the left. If you are looking for this book, you can click here to quickly get hold of it.

His Needs Her Needs List: Men's Needs

1. Sexual Fulfilment
2. Recreational Companionship
3. An Attractive Spouse
4. Domestic Support
5. Admiration

His Needs Her Needs List: Women's Needs

1. Affection
2. Conversation
3. Honesty and Openness
4. Financial Commitment
5. Family Commitment

Dr. Willard Harley in his His Needs, Her Needs Book.